Foundations of Technology
Nature of Technology: Characteristics and Scope of Technology

Discussion: Technology and Setting

Each illustration below shows an image of a person and a technology. In each case, that technology was developed in response to or to assist in surviving and thriving in the setting of the time. That setting could be the environment or the society of the time.

In this activity, you will be asked to find an example of technology that was developed in response to the needs of it's setting (environment/society). The chosen technology should also be one that, once invented, impacted it setting. You will post your examples to the course discussion board and participate in a discussion on Technology and Setting, described below.


Discussion Guidelines: Technology and Setting (20 points)

In this assignment, you will present an example of a piece of technology that was developed in response to the needs of it's setting. You will also describe how this technology influenced it's setting. You will read your classmates examples and respond to them. Each student will:

  • In your initial post, Describe the impact of the setting (environment/society) in the development of your chosen technology. (5 points) ALSO describe the impact of technology on it's setting or other technologies. (5 points)
  • Attach an image or illustration to your initial post that shows your chosen technology. (5 points)
  • Respond to a classmate suggesting a solution to a problem, or a problem to a solution involved with the technology that they described. Use proper netiquette in challenging your classmates ideas. (5 points)

Post your initial post and reply to the Technology and Setting Discussion Board before the due date listed on the course calendar.

Example: Click here for a student created example of this activity.


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